Can Digital Twins Aid AI Adoption?

Texas-based Thinaer believes so, with the platform provider seeing data capture as the key driver of efficacy in AI applications for MFGs.  In a February article for online trade magazine Manufacturing Tomorrow, Thinaer discusses how tools and practices can eliminate the digital blind spots that negatively impact the RoI of AI implementations.

Thinear CEO Bryan Mercking writes that tracking machine assets and creating Digital Twins of analog equipment reveals sources of data that otherwise are hidden in MFG processes and operations. Enhancing the flows boot process efficiency on the shop floor, as well as improving the accuracy of business intelligence analysis and the forecasts that inform executive decision-making.

In an discussion that touches on US regulatory compliance, the vendor makes the case for a platform service palette that uses data from sensors applied to analog production equipment to help MFGs achieve process and ERP efficiencies with AI. It can be found here.