Communication’s Vital Role in AI Transformation

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Manufacturers that use AI can leverage machine data and business intelligence to generate context-appropriate recommendations directly at the point of use. Yet most struggle to derive fuller value from a technology that is revolutionizing shop floor operations. Their failure to connect frontline workers with the AI insights from their connected machines undercuts returns from investments in data-driven automation.

Gaps in communication between workers and the AI engines that parse data from connected machines cause production delays and affect quality control, increasing rework and reducing OEE. Excessive technological complexity slows frontline workers who must troubleshoot and solve production problems in real time. This impacts morale, increasing the likelihood of staff turnover and driving up costs for onboarding and training.

Seamlessly integrating AI insights into work patterns is the quickest way to maximize the value from digitization, which generates the machine and business data That makes the seamless integration of AI insights into patterns of work the fastest path to realizing fuller value from the digitization trend that creates the machine and business data on which AI thrives. Using AI to empower workers, manufacturers can enhance productivity, efficiency, and innovation in the workplace, ultimately improving the quality of work for and of frontline workers.

Breaking Barriers to Benefit

Incorporating AI into manufacturing workflows allows organizations to benefit from the technology’s predictive capabilities, in part by assisting machine operators and technicians on the shop floor. Manufacturers can parse data from MES and ERP systems with AI algorithms to make processes more efficient, with frontline workers who log observations and actions becoming resources for innovation based on their shop floor experience.

L2L harnesses AI by seamlessly integrating these data sources in a unified back-end system that generates context-appropriate recommendations based on conditions observed in real time. L2L Assist distributes this intelligence to frontline workers through a single interface for natural-language communication that ties together human and machine resources for competitive advantage.

Giving technicians AI-generated insights on a mechanical problem, the necessary parts, and instructions for resolving it in language they can understand makes for a faster return to production. For Digital Manufacturing and IT teams, the low-code rules engine in L2L’s Connected Workforce Platform automatically generates work assignments based on shop floor conditions. Rules can be developed manually and with AI-generated guidance that automates the ancillary steps necessary to accomplish tasks, such as parts requisitions and accessing documentation.

Putting People First

AI proves its value daily in manufacturing, with use cases growing in number as the technology matures. For manufacturers seeking to leverage AI in shop floor settings, prioritizing tools that simplify and educate connected workers accelerates workflows and reduces cost. It also helps in worker retention and attracting new talent.

To more fully capture the operational efficiencies, manufacturers must integrate AI tools that generate useful recommendations and instruction directly at the point of use. And their systems must communicate that guidance understandably, so that workers have a clear path to action when dealing with the anomalies in machine operations and product quality that slow manufacturing processes.

Because L2L’s Connected Workforce Platform learns and adapts to changes on the shop floor, it allows for greater engagement and productivity. By enhancing their troubleshooting skills, L2L helps workers address complex issues more effectively. This and continuous updating encourages workers to familiarize themselves with the tools, technologies, and methodologies that make them more valuable employees.

Connecting machines with AI to deliver context-appropriate recommendations to frontline workers is the most effective lever manufacturers can use to extract fuller value from their technology spend. L2L accomplishes this using the natural-language communication that improves the quality of work and boosts worker retention in the bargain.

Rich Caplow, VP of Product at L2L, discusses how the company integrates connected machines and connected workers with AI to help manufacturers get more done on the shop floor.